
Have you ever been discriminated against? Most likely you have, because discrimination is an every day problem that divides, damages and prevents the development of an inclusive society where everyone is free no matter how they look, where they come from or who they love.

Today our society suffers from violence and division due to rejection that keeps us from seeing ourselves as valuable people capable of transforming our reality if we work as a team. Therefore we believe that #IncludeToChange.

Inequality and discrimination affect all people around the world.
Here are some of the consequences:

6 out of 10 girls and boys in the world suffer from some form of bullying and cyberbullying every day.1

3 out of 10 people with some form of disability have been a victim of discrimination. 3

Women earn
23% less income than men. 2

At the current rate, it will take
135 years to eliminate gender inequality. 4

Source :
1. Bullying Without Borders, 2022
2. ONU Mujeres, 2019
3. Naciones Unidas, 2020
4. UNESCO, 2020

Over the last 15 years, Education for Sharing has changed the lives of more than 1.5 million girls, boys, teachers and families in more than 15 countries across the world. We have achieved…

9 out of 10 girls and boys practice gender equality, as they prefer forming mixed teams in class. Before our program, only 3 out of 10 used to
do it by choice.

8 out of 10 girls and boys are more inclusive. They claim that when someone different arrives, they are interested in getting to know and including them whereas only 3 out of 10 did before the program.

9 out of every 10 girls and boys learned that women and men have the same rights and can have the same opportunities.

The girls and boys that participated in our program, now know how to build communities based on equality and respect to prevent teasing or discriminatory attitudes.

Relative growth rate recorded in the results reports
of the entry and exit surveys of E4S.

Play with us to see how inclusive you are

The inclusion a meter

What would you think if I told you that you can learn to be more inclusive while playing?



Think about your day to day and honestly answer the following questions.

Review our privacy notice

Discover your results


Watch out!

If you stayed in the “start” square and did not move, some of your actions are affecting and discriminating against others. The first step is to recognize and know there are things you can do to change. Reflect on how your thoughts and attitudes impact others around you.

We are halfway through…

Take a deep breath in and get ready to keep on learning. It’s never too late to learn something new, it will be worthwhile! Put yourself in other people’s shoes and you’ll see the change.

A few steps closer to the finish line!

You have the basis to become inclusive. However, there is always something new to learn. Keep on being committed and fight against discrimination because everyone will be thankful for it.

Ooh la la, inclusion is your thing.

You know that we share the world with diverse people and that enriches the world. Keep inviting people to join our respectful and peaceful world.

Do you want to go further in Inclusion-a-meter?

Get to know and play the 15 games of E4S,
so you can be more inclusive.
Share them with your students, family and friends.
You can help stop discrimination
and make the world a better place!

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